Quality and Environmental Policy of Easy LED Oy
The success and competitiveness of Easy LED is based on high quality products and services, environmental responsibility and ethically sustainable business. Our certified Quality and Environmental System and its metrics are the base for operations and business.
- We are reliable luminaire vendor. We design and manufacture high-quality, long lifetime and environmentally friendly products, which fulfils related standard requirements.
- We never compromise product safety for any reason. We always follow the rules and regulations.
- In customer service, we emphasize on-time delivery, customer feedback and high quality lighting design.
- We support our customers to achieve their environmental goals and guide our customers for environmentally friendly solutions.
- We identify the environmental aspects and related environmental impacts of our activities and develop our operations to improve our environmental performance including our supply chain.
- We commit to follow the legislation and regulations related to environmental, social and ethical sustainability and continuously develop our operations and activities to improve our performance to minimize harmful environmental effects. We require the same from our partners.
Commitment of management and personnel to Quality and Environmental Policy and adopting Quality and Environmental practices as part of everyday work are supported through regular reviews, internal audits and open discussion.